Хичээл №7: Past Continuous Tense

Feb 1, 2012

[was/were + present participle+ing]
  • You were studying when she called.
  • Were you studying when she called?
  • You were not studying when she called.
Positive Negative Question
  • I was singing.
  • You were singing.
  • We were singing.
  • They were singing.
  • He was singing.
  • She was singing.
  • It was singing.
  • I was not singing.
  • You were not singing.
  • We were not singing.
  • They were not singing.
  • He was not singing.
  • She was not singing.
  • It was not singing.
  • Was I singing?
  • Were you singing?
  • Were we singing?
  • Were they singing?
  • Was he singing?
  • Was she singing?
  • Was it singing?

Use 1: Өнгөрсөнд тасалдсан үйлийг заана

  • I was watching TV when she called.
  • When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
  • While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
  • What were you doing when the earthquake started?
  • I was listening to my iPod, so I didn’t hear the fire alarm.
  • You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.
  • While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
  • Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
  • While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off.
  • A: What were you doing when you broke your leg?
    B: I was snowboarding.

Use 2: Тодорхой хугацаанд тасалдсан үйлийг заана.

Хэрэглээ нэг дээр Past Continuous цаг нь Past  Simple цаг дахь богино үйлийн улмаас тасалдсан үйлдлийг заадаг гэсэн бол энэ цаг нь тодорхой нэг хугацаанд тасалдсаныг бас заана.
  • Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
  • At midnight, we were still driving through the desert.
  • Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work.
Ямар нэгэн үйлдэл тодорхой хугацаанд эхлэж, дууссаныг Past Simple цагаар илэрхийлдэг бол Past Continuous цаг нь тухайн үйлдэл тасалдсан тодорхой хугацааг заадаг. Доорх жишээн дээр эхнийх нь 6 гэхэд хоолоо идэж эхэлснийг илэрхийлж байгаа бол 2 дахь нь 6-аас өмнө хоолоо идэж эхлэсэн 6 цагт хоолоо идэж л байсан гэсэн санааг илэрхийлж байна.
  • Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner
    I started eating at 6 PM.
  • Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
    I started earlier; and at 6 PM, I was in the process of eating dinner.

Use 3: Зэрэгцсэн үйлийг заана

Нэг өгүүлбэрт Past Continuous цагтай 2 өгүүлбэр байх юм бол тэдгээр үйлүүд нь ижил цаг хугацаанд үргэлжилж байсан санааг илэрийлдэг. Өөрөөр хэлбэл тухайн үйлүүд зэрэгцэн үйлдэгдэж байсан гэсэн үг.
  • I was studying while he was making dinner.
  • While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.
  • Were you listening while he was talking?
  • I wasn’t paying attention while I was writing the letter, so I made several mistakes.
  • What were you doing while you were waiting?
  • Thomas wasn’t working, and I wasn’t working either.
  • They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.

Use 4: Atmosphere буюу орчны уур амьсгал

Англи хэлэнд өнгөрсөн тодорхой нэг хугацаанд тодорхой орчинд зэрэг болж буй олон үйл явдлуудаар тухайн орчны уур амьсгал ямар байсныг илэрхийлэхэд энэ цагийг ашиглана. Тухайлбал доорх жишээн дээр: “Намайг ажилдаа ирэхэд зарим нь компьютер дээр юм шивэн, зарим нь утсаар ярьж, захирал чанга дуугаар заавар өгч харин үйлчлүүлэгчид өөрсдөд нь туслахыг хүлээж байсан. Нэг үйлчлүүлэгч нарийн бичиг рүү хашгиран, гараараа даллаж байсан. Бусад нь үйлчилгээ муу байгаа талаар хоорондоо гомдоллоцгоож байсан” гэх мэтээр тухайн албан газарт байдал ямар байсныг илэрхийлжээ.
  • When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped. One customer was yelling at a secretary and waving his hands. Others were complaining to each other about the bad service.

Use 5: Байнга давтагддаг, цухалдуулдаг зүйлийн талаар ярихад хэрэглэнэ

Өнгөрсөнд бухимдуулж, дургүйцэл хүргэдэг байсан зүйлийн талаар ярихад “always” эсхүл “constantly” гэсэн үгийн хамт Past Continuous цагийг хэрэглэнэ. Энэ нь “used to” хэллэгтэй төстэй боловч зөвхөн сөрөг утгыг илэрхийлдэг. Дээр хэлсэн “always” эсхүл “constantly” үгсийг “be” болон болон “verb+ing” нарын дунд бичдэгийг анхаарна уу.
  • She was always coming to class late.
  • He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.
  • I didn’t like them because they were always complaining.

While vs. When

Гишүүн өгүүлбэрүүд нь утга бүхий үгсээс бүрддэг ч өгүүлбэрийг төгсгөж чаддаггүй. Зарим гишүүн өгүүлбэрүүд “when she called” эсхүл “when it bit me.” гэх мэтээр  ”when” гэсэн үгээр эхлэдэг бол зарим нь “while she was sleeping” эсхүл “while he was surfing.” гэх мэтээр “while”-тай эхлэдэг. Хэрвээ та өнгөрсөнд болсон зүйлийн талаар ярьж байгаа бол Past Simple цагийн өмнө “when” Past Continuous цагийн өмнө “while” хэрэглэнэ.
  • I was studying when she called.
  • While I was studying, she called.

Non-Continuous Verbs / Mixed Verbs

Non-Continuous Verbs-ийг ямар ч continuous цаг дээр хэрэглэж болохгүй анхаарах нь чухал. Бас non-continuous утгатай Mixed Verbs-ийг ч continuous цаг дээр хэрэглэж болохгүй. Эдгээр үгнүүд Past Continuous цаг дээр хэрэглэгдэхээр байвал оронд нь Past Simple цагийг ашиглана.
  • Jane was being at my house when you arrived. Not Correct
  • Jane was at my house when you arrived. Correct
Adverb буюу дайвар үгийн байршил
Дараах жишээнүүд нь always, only, never, ever, still, just, гэх мэт хэл зүйн дайвар үгнүүдийн байршлыг харууллаа.
  • You were just studying when she called.
  • Were you just studying when she called?
  • The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store. Active
  • The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store. Passive

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